Frequently asked questions.

  • Check-in is anytime after 3 p.m., and check-out is by 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. depending on the property, please refer to your check in instructions or booking platform that you booked on.

  • During peak season, early or late check-ins are not available due to tight cleaning schedules. During the off-season, early check-ins may be accommodated based on availability, late checkouts cannot be accommodated.—please contact us ahead of time to

  • Pet policies vary by property. Please check the specific property listing or contact us for details.

  • Yes, all properties offer Wi-Fi. Details, including the network name and password, are provided in your check-in instructions.

  • Each property is unique, but standard amenities include clean linens, towels, toiletries, and fully equipped kitchens or kitchenettes. Specific details can be found in the property listing.

  • Garbage and recycling instructions are provided in your check-in details and are specific to each property. If you’re unsure, leave it for our cleaners to handle.

  • Campfire policies vary by location. Please check your property details and the Fire Ban Nova Scotia website for current fire restrictions.

  • For emergencies such as a fire, flood, or safety issue, call 911 immediately. For non-urgent property concerns, contact us via the Airbnb app or the contact information provided in your booking confirmation.

  • We recommend packing weather-appropriate clothing, comfortable footwear, and any personal items you may need. If you’re staying at Sunken Escapes, consider bringing a good book, a camera, and warm layers for evenings under the stars!

  • All of our properties are equipped with self-check-in options, making arrival easy and hassle-free. Before your stay, you'll receive detailed check-in instructions, including the door code or lockbox access. Please read through the instructions carefully to ensure a smooth entry. If you experience any issues accessing the property, double-check that you're using the correct code and that the door handle is fully engaged if required. If you still need assistance, reach out to us through the booking platform messaging app. For security reasons, we do not provide early access codes in advance.

  • The locks require you to close the door, lift the handle upwards to engage the locking mechanism, and then lock it with the key..

  • Some properties, including Sunken Escapes, use lockboxes. Your code will be provided in your check-in instructions. Simply enter the code to access the key.

  • If your property has a smart lock and you booked through Airbnb, the code will be sent directly to you and can be found in the "My Trips" section of the Airbnb app.

    • The code is valid only for the duration of your stay.

    • For issues, contact Airbnb directly to reset the code.

    If you have any trouble accessing your property, refer to your check-in instructions or contact us through the booking platform.